2022-02-08 09:40:46来源:青宁盟之声阅读:233次
Association Between Color Vision Deficiency and Myopia in Chinese Children Over a Five-Year Period
Investigative Ophthalmology &Visual Science IF=4.79
Jiahe Gan, Shi-Ming Li, David A. Atchison, Meng-Tian Kang, Shifei Wei, Xi He,Weiling Bai, He Li, Yuting Kang, Zhining Cai, Lei Li, Zi-Bing Jin, and Ningli Wang
“安阳儿童眼病研究”是我国第一个基于自然人群的儿童近视队列,自 2011 年起对近3000名小学生进行每年随访、持续6年,获得了儿童近视、色觉异常、斜弱视的患病情况、动态发病率和危险因素,获得了环境因素如近距离工作、户外时等以及基因数据。本文首次通过队列研究明确了我国学龄儿童近视进展和色觉情况的相关关系,并首次明确红绿色觉异常儿童与色觉正常儿童相比其近视发病率较低、近视进展较慢,支持色觉在近视的发生发展中具有重要作用。
Abstract 摘要
PURPOSE. To explore the relationship of color vision deficiency with myopia progression and axial elongation in Chinese primary school children during a five-year cohort study.
METHODS. A total of 2849 grade 1 students (aged 7.1 years) from 11 primary schools were enrolled and followed up for five years. Cycloplegic autorefraction and axial length were measured annually. Color vision testing was performed using Ishihara’s test and the City University color vision test.
结果:中国小学生色觉异常患病率为1.68%,其中男孩色觉异常患病率为2.81%,女孩色觉异常患病率为0.16%。经过5年随访,色觉异常组近视累计发病率为35.4%(17/48),低于色觉正常组的56.7%(1017/1794)。与此同时,色觉异常组近视进展(−1.81 D)较色觉正常组 (−2.41 D) 慢。 (P = 0.002)。
RESULTS. The prevalence of color vision deficiency was 1.68%, with 2.81% in boys and 0.16% in girls. Color-deficient cases consisted of 91.6% deutan and 8.3% protan. Over the five years, the cumulative incidence of myopia was 35.4% (17/48) in the color-vision deficiency group, which was lower than the 56.7% (1017/1794) in the color normal group (P = 0.004). Over the five-year study period, the change in spherical equivalent refraction in the color vision–deficiency group (−1.81 D) was also significantly lower than that in the color normal group (−2.41 D) (P = 0.002).
CONCLUSIONS. The lower incidence and slower progression of myopia in children with color-vision deficiency over the five-year follow-up period suggest that color-deficient individuals are less susceptible to myopia onset and development.
Keywords: color vision, myopia, color vision deficiency, children
introduction 前言
Results 结果
图1:色觉正常组及色觉异常组的5年新发近视发病率及原始近视率。基线时两组原始近视率无差异,但5年随访结束时,色觉正常组5年近视新发发病率明显高于色觉异常组(51.4% vs. 34.8%)。
In summary, this prospective cohort study found that children with color vision deficiencies had a lower incidence of myopia, slower myopic progression, and less axial elongation than children with normal color vision. These findings suggest that individuals with CVD are less susceptible to myopia onset and progression, and this may be related to altered cone ratios or cone contrast. More studies should be conducted to further investigate the relationship of color vision status with myopia progression and axial elongation in different racial populations.
这项前瞻性队列研究发现,与色觉正常儿童相比,色觉异常儿童近视发病率较低(35.4% vs. 56.7%)、近视进展较慢(-1.81 D vs. -2.41 D)。这些发现说明,色觉异常儿童对近视相对不易感,这可能与视锥细胞相对比例失调或相对敏感性差异有关。