2022-04-13 09:20:15来源:青宁盟之声阅读:143次
2022年4月7日,全球眼科专业媒体“The Ophthalmologist ” 发布了2022年度眼科行业Power List。自2014年发布首版“全球最具影响力的100位眼科专家”以来,共评选过5次,以表彰和认可在眼科领域作出突出贡献的巨头及新锐人才。2022年的眼科榜单经过数千张选票,由评审团仔细审查后,选出450名入围专家,再由20名国际评审团从中挑选出了100位眼科领域最具影响力的人物。
我国大陆学者首都医科大学眼科学院院长,北京同仁眼科中心主任王宁利教授入选2022年度眼科最具影响力榜单(Powerlist)。这是王教授第四次荣登Power List榜单。
Prof. Wang is a leader in eye health and glaucoma in China, Asia-Pacific, and beyond, with the number of publications in ophthalmology ranking the first in China and that in glaucoma 13th globally.
Leading National Blindness Prevention Committee, he assisted government in preparing five-year national eye health plans for 2 decades and extensively engaged in international collaborations (such as VLEG, NCD-RisC), promoting eye health in China and ensuring China’s engagement and contribution globally.
He advocated for government myopia control policies and strategies based on the first 10-year cohort in children worldwide and research on interventions, contributing to myopia reduction in China and sharing experience with other countries facing childhood myopia rise.
Working with WHO, he co-led the project combining screening, evaluation and treatment of trachoma in China, and WHO verified trachoma elimination in 2019, a major contribution to global trachoma elimination effort.
5、他建立了跨筛板压力差的理论,率先揭示了体质指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)和边缘维生素A缺乏是正常眼压性青光眼(Normal-Tension Glaucoma,NTG)的可测量的危险因素,大大推动了NTG的诊断和治疗。
He established the Intraocular and Intracranial Pressure Gradient theory and is the first to reveal BMI and marginal vitamin A deficiency as measurable risk factors for NTG, greatly advancing NTG diagnosis and treatment.
6、他制定了中国人原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle closure glaucoma,PACG)的治疗策略,历经10年,使闭角型青光眼这一主要致盲性眼病的致盲率显著降低(35%)。
He developed PACG treatment strategy in Chinese, with over 10-year implementation, leading to remarked reduction (35%) in blinding rate of ACG (major blinding eye disease).
The Ophthalmologist的问与答
Q:The biggest breakthrough in Ophthalmology / Glaucoma over the last 10-20 years? 在过去的10-20年里,您认为眼科/青光眼领域最大的突破是什么?
A:在过去的10-20年里,眼科特别是青光眼领域最重要的突破是手术技术从外引流手术向内引流手术的转变。这些转变有效地减少了外滤过手术引起的相关并发症,并取得了显著的降眼压效果。微创青光眼手术(Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery, MIGS)对解剖结构改变最小、安全性好、恢复快,它的出现改变了各种青光眼手术的临床实践,房角镜辅助的内路360°小梁切开术(Gonioscopy-Assisted Translumina Trabeculotomy,GATT)无疑成为先天性青光眼和青少年型青光眼的一线治疗方法。我们团队的一项前瞻性研究显示,GATT对先天性青光眼和青少年型青光眼的成功率为92%和91.4%。然而,与MIGS有关的一个问题是,术前很难确定房水引流的阻力部位。由于新技术的发展,我们对房水流出通道阻力部位有了更好的描述。在未来,应开展高质量的随机对照多中心研究,为这些新型手术的安全性、有效性和成本效益提供证据。(The most significant breakthrough in ophthalmology, especially in glaucoma, over the last 10-20 years was the transformation in the surgical technique, from externo to interno drainage pathway . Those transformations effectively reduced the complications due to the external filtration and achieved significant IOP dropping outcomes. The advent of MIGS with minimal alteration of the anatomy, good safety profile, and fast recovery altered the clinical practice in various glaucoma surgeries, and Gonioscopy-assisted transluminal trabeculotomy (GATT) undoubtedly became the first-line treatment for congenital and juvenile glaucoma. One prospective study from our team showed that the success rates of GATT in congenital glaucoma and JOAG were 92% and 91.4%. However, one problem related to MIGS is that it is hard to determine the anatomical status of the distal outflow pathway preoperatively. Thanks to novel diagnostic tools, we had a better description of the anatomy of the outflow pathway. In the future, intense, solid, randomized controlled multicenter studies should be carried out to provide evidence on those novel procedures' safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness.)
Q:Do you have any strong opinions that might be considered controversial? 您的什么观点被认为是存在争议的呢?
A:NTG的发病机制一直被激烈的讨论。而我们的研究团队认为,造成NTG的原因之一是眼内压和颅内压压力不平衡导致的视神经损害。关注这一领域的研究团队不多,由于研究方法和研究人群存在差异,我们的观点也被其他研究团队证实或质疑。然而,在对真理的探索过程中,没有得出最终结论,肯定存在争议,要坚持要顶得住批判的压力,同时不断探索,也同时不断批判自己,纠正自身认识的局限性。(The pathogenesis of normal-tension glaucoma has aroused heated discussion for many years. And our research team holds the point that one of the reasons causing NTG is the unbalanced intraocular and intracranial pressure gradient. There are not many research teams focusing on this field, and our point of view has been confirmed or questioned by other research teams due to variations in methods and populations. However, in exploring the truth, there must be disputes before the conclusion is drawn. It is necessary to withstand the pressure of criticism and constantly explore to break through the limitations of one's understanding.)
Q:What techniques are likely to come into prominence in the next five years in your field? 在您的领域中,哪些技术可能在未来五年里脱颖而出?
A:未来五年,人工智能驱动的数字和远程眼科将变得突出。该技术逐渐接近成熟,成本效益不断压缩,可以解决人力资源分布不均的问题,降低交通费用,能使大医院掌握的技术下沉转移,提高当地医院的诊断和治疗能力。这也是实现国际防盲协会 "2030 IN SIGHT "号召的有效方法。最重要的是,这类技术的发展和完善促进了眼科疾病管理的数字化,使每个人建立全生命周期的眼健康档案成为可能。(AI-driven digital and teleophthalmology will become prominent in the next five years. The technology is gradually approaching maturity, and the cost-effectiveness is continuously compressed, which can solve the issue of uneven distribution of human resources, reduce transportation costs, and improve local hospitals’ diagnosis and treatment capabilities. It’s also an effective method to achieve the IAPB “2030 IN SIGHT” call. Most importantly, the development and improvement of such technologies facilitates the digitization of the management of ophthalmic diseases and make it possible for everyone to establish eye health records throughout the life cycle.)
Q:Offer one practical tip to a fellow expert in your sub-specialty. 请给您的亚专业领域的专家同行提供一个实用的建议。
A:在临床诊断和治疗过程中要善于观察。患者的整体表现、说话的语气、不同的行为特征都将成为最终诊断的关键因素。在临床实践中,努力扩大知识半径。知识半径越大,诊断的准确性就越高。另外,不要忽视眼与全身疾病之间的关系,将“眼体同治”理念贯穿至临床实践中。(Learn to be observant in the clinical diagnosis and treatment process. Patients' overall performance, tone of voice, and different behavioral characteristics will all become a crucial part of a definitive diagnosis. In clinical practice, try to expand the "knowledge radius." The larger the knowledge radius, the higher the accuracy of diagnosis. Also, do not ignore systematic diseases, it’s crucial to simultaneously treat the eye and body. )
此外,新加坡眼科研究所( Singapore Eye Research Institute,SERI)也有5名专家入选2022年度眼科行业Power List,他们分别是:Donald Tan、Daniel Ting、Gemmy Cheung、Jod S. Mehta、Tien Y. Wong。
2022年度眼科行业Power List全员名单