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[ASCO 2017]Daratumumab联合标准方案治疗初治MM,耐受性佳

2017-06-09 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:30次



来自芝加哥大学医学中心的Andrzej J. Jakubowiak教授表示,Daratumumab+ KRd耐受性很好,安全事件与之前报道一致。首次剂量分开给药有利于降低输液反应发生率。

Daratumumab+ KRd在该研究中表现出的总反应率(ORR)为100%。





在为期28天的治疗周期内,受试者接受了分剂量的daratumumab(第1个周期,第1、2天,8 mg/kg;第1、2个周期,16 mg/kg ,每周一次;第3~6个周期,每2周一次;之后每4周一次), 20-mg/m2卡非佐米, 25-mg来那度胺(每个周期的第1~21天)以及40mg地塞米松,每周一次。第1、8和15天,卡非佐米剂量从20 mg/m2增加至70 mg/m2。患者治疗至选择是否进一步进行ASCT。所有患者均接受阿司匹林预防治疗。



最常见的血液学不良反应为淋巴细胞减少(所有级别68%;3 / 4级64%)、血小板减少(55%;9%)、贫血(46%;9%)、白细胞减少症(41%;9%)和中性粒细胞减少(32%;14%)。另外常见的不良反应还有腹泻(73%;14%)、上呼吸道感染(59%;0%)、咳嗽(55%;5%)、便秘(50%;0%)、疲劳(50%;0%)、呼吸困难(46%,;0%)和失眠(46%;5%)。




Daratumumab (DARA) in combination with carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone (KRd) in patients (pts) with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MMY1001): An open-label, phase 1b study.

Background: DARA in combination with established standard of care regimens prolongs PFS, deepens responses, and demonstrates a favorable safety profile in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (MM). The tolerability and efficacy of DARA-KRd in newly diagnosed MM pts was examined. 

Methods: Newly diagnosed pts regardless of transplantation eligibility were enrolled. Pts received DARA 16 mg/kg QW for Cycles 1-2, Q2W for Cycles 3-6, and Q4W thereafter. All pts received the 1st dose of DARA split over 2 days. Carfilzomib (K) was administered on Days 1, 8 and 15 of each 28-day cycle (20 mg/m2 on C1D1, 36 or 70 mg/m2 subsequently based on tolerability of first dose) for ≤13 cycles or elective discontinuation for ASCT. Lenalidomide 25 mg was given on Days 1-21 and dexamethasone 20-40 mg per week. The primary endpoint was tolerability. 

Results: Twenty-two pts (median [range] age, 60 [34-74] y) were enrolled and received a median of 8 (1-10) treatment cycles. Nineteen pts escalated K dose to 70 mg/m2 by C1D15. Median (range) duration of follow-up was 7.4 (4.0-9.3) months. Six (27%) pts discontinued treatment (1 AE [pulmonary embolism]; 1 PD; 4 other [ASCT]). Serious AEs occurred in 46% of pts, and 14% were possibly related to DARA; 18 (82%) experienced a grade 3/4 TEAE. The most common grade 3/4 TEAEs (>10%) were lymphopenia (50%) and neutropenia (23%); 1 (5%) cardiac grade 3 TEAE was observed (congestive heart failure) which resolved; pt quickly resumed study treatment with reduced K dose. No grade 5 TEAE was reported. All DARA-associated infusion reactions (27% of pts) were grade ≤2. Treatment with DARA-KRd yielded an ORR (≥partial response) of 100% (5% complete response, 86% ≥very good partial response) in 21 response-evaluable pts. The 6-month PFS rate was 100%. 

Conclusions: The addition of DARA to KRd was well tolerated; the overall safety profile was consistent with that previously reported for KRd, with no additional toxicity observed with the addition of DARA. Deep and durable responses were observed. These data support further investigation of DARA-KRd as a frontline treatment regimen. Updated data will be presented based on longer follow up. Clinical trial information: NCT01998971

医脉通编译自:Daratumumab Plus Standard of Care Well Tolerated in Multiple Myeloma.CancerNetwork.2017

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