2016-06-13 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:26次
2016年6月3-7日,一年一度的美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology,ASCO)年会将在芝加哥举办。一项摘要号为7507的新研究表明,将
Andrew M. Evens医学博士说,虽然高肿瘤负荷滤泡淋巴瘤的治疗已经得到了发展,但发展仍然较慢。通常而言,大多数患者会复发,并难以治愈。
Effect of bortezomib on complete remission (CR) rate when added to bendamustine-rituximab (BR) in previously untreated high-risk (HR) follicular lymphoma (FL): A randomized phase II trial of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (E2408).Abstract No:7507
Background: Treatment strategies to improve outcomes in HR FL are needed. E2408 tested whether bortezomib (V) improves the CR rate when added to standard BR induction in untreated HR FL and whether lenalidomide (len) improves remission duration when added to maintenance rituximab (MR).
Methods: Eligible pts had untreated HR grade I/II or IIIa FL. HR was defined as high tumor burden by GELF and/or FLIPI 3-5. Pts were randomized to 1 of 3 arms in a 1:2:2 ratio: A) BR x 6 followed by MR x 2 years (yrs) vs B) BVR x 6 (V 1.3 mg/m2 IV/SQ days 1, 4, 8, 11) then MR x 2 yrs vs C) BR x 6 then MR x 2 yrs + len 20 mg/day x 1 yr. Pts enrolled 1/11-5/15. Response was assessed by 2007 IWG criteria using PET/CT. This analysis reports on the first primary objective of CR rate with induction therapy (Tx) with arms A) + C) combined for induction comparison (90% power at 1-sided α of 0.15).
Results: Among 250 randomized HR FL pts, 28 were excluded for not starting Tx (n = 5), ineligibility (n = 8) or central pathology review (n = 15). Analyses are based on 222 pts (BVR n = 85 vs BR n = 137); the arms were well balanced. Among all pts, GELF was high 92%; FLIPI 3-5 55%; ECOG PS 0 = 55%, 1 = 42% and 2 = 3%; marrow involvement 55%; and stages II 7%, III 27% and IV 66%. 86% of all pts received 6 induction cycles without differences between arms. The overall response for BVR was 91% vs 90% for BR, while CR rates were 74% vs 58%, respectively (2-sided P= 0.016). Respective ‘off treatment’ reasons for BVR vs BR were progressive disease in 4% and 7% and toxicity in 6% and 4%. The most common grade 3-4 toxicities (n = 241) for BVR vs BR were neutropenia (35%/30%), sensory neuropathy (SN) (12%/1%), thrombocytopenia (10%/5%), fatigue (6%/7%),
Conclusions: This initial reportof E2408 for untreated HR FL shows that the CR rate for BVR induction Tx was significantly superior compared with BR. Continued follow up is needed to assess survival and if len added to MR improves outcomes. Clinical trial information: NCT01685008