2016-06-06 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:17次
2016年6月3日-7日,美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)2016年会在美国芝加哥盛大召开。本次大会中国学者取得了口头报告新突破:大陆有4项入选,台湾有3项入选。当地时间6月5日上午头颈部肿瘤专场,来自中山大学肿瘤防治中心的张力教授口头报告了一项转移或复发性鼻咽癌化疗方案对比研究(Abstract No:6007)。
目前针对复发或转移性鼻咽癌患者,没有很成熟的一线化疗方案可供选择,而一些小规模的II期临床研究结果提示GP方案有一定的应用价值,且毒性尚可接受。张力教授领衔国内多加医疗中心,共同开展了一项开放标签、随机多中心Ⅲ期临床试验,比较吉西他滨+顺铂(GP)vs 5-Fu+顺铂(FP)治疗复发/转移鼻咽癌的疗效和安全性。在2015年ASCO年会上,这项研究入选“正在进行的临床试验”。
◆按RESIST 1.1标准至少有一处可测量病灶
◆中位PFS在GP组和FP组分别为6.83个月 vs 5.7个月。
◆1年PFS率在GP组和FP组分别为21% vs 6%。
◆客观缓解率(ORR=CR+PR)在GP组和FP组分别为64.1% vs 42.0%。
◆中位OS在GP组和FP组分别为29.1个月 vs 20.9个月。
因不良反应中断治疗患者比例均较低,GP组和FP组分别为3.9% vs 5.5%。
Abstract No:6007
Gemcitabineplus cisplatin (GP) versus 5-FU plus cisplatin (FP) as first-line treatment forrecurrent or metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC): A randomized,open-label, multicenter, phase III trial
Session: Head and Neck Cancer
Type: Oral Abstract Session
Author(s): Li Zhang, Gengsheng Yu, Jun Jia
Background: Thereare no well-established first-line chemotherapy regimens for recurrent ormetastatic (R/M) NPC. Several small phase II trials suggest that GP haspromising efficacy and acceptable toxicities. This phase III trial compared theefficacy and safety of GP versus FP as first-line therapy for patients with R/MNPC. This trial has been selected as “Trials in Progress” and presented in theposeter session in 2015 ASCO meeting (Abstract No. TPS6098).
Methods: Eligiblepatients were randomized in 1:1 ratio to receive either GP (gemcitabine 1 g/m2on days 1, 8, cisplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1, q3w) or FP regimens (5-FU 4 g/m2 CIVover 96 hours, cisplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1, q3w) for up to 6 cycles. Theprimary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Secondary endpointsinclude overall survival (OS), objective response rate (ORR), safety andquality of life.
Results: FromFebruary 2012 to October 2015, 362 patients from 22 institutions were randomlyassigned to GP (n = 181) or FP (n = 181) group. Baseline characteristics weresimilar between both arms. The median PFS was 6.83 months in the GP group and5.70 months in the FP group (HR = 0.57; 95% CI [0.46-0.71]; p < 0.0001). At1 year, the PFS rate was 21% (95% CI, 18 to 24) with GP versus 6% (95% CI, 4 to8) with FP. This effect was consistent for the best ORR (GP 68.3% versus FP47.1%; p = 0.0001). The most common grade ≥ 3 related adverse events (AEs) wereleukopenia (21.1%) and thrombocytopenia (11.1%) with GP and mucositis (12.9%)with FP. Treatment discontinuation due to related AEs was similar between botharms (GP 3.9% versus FP 5.5%; p = 0.458).
Conclusions: First-lineGP significantly improved PFS compared to FP in R/M NPC. Consistent benefit wasseen with ORR. AEs were manageable with similar low discontinuation rates inboth arms. Updated and OS data will be presented at ASCO meeting. Clinicaltrial information:NCT01528618