2016-06-02 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:29次
2016年6月3-7日,一年一度的美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology,ASCO)年会将在芝加哥举办。6月4,下午3:00到6:00血液肿瘤口头报告专场上,一项摘要号为7006的多中心2期试验探讨了SL-401治疗母细胞性
该项2期试验包括导入(1阶段)和扩张(2阶段)两个阶段。第1阶段,BPDCN和复发/难治性(r/r)AML患者接受剂量为7、9、12或16 ug/kg的 SL-401常规IV输注,持续达5个剂量,每21天重复治疗。第2阶段,患者接受SL-401第1阶段最佳剂量治疗。
自1/20/16起,18名BPDCN患者(1&2阶段:9+9;包括未被评估的2名患者)接受了SL-401(7 ug/kg,n=3 [第1阶段];12 ug/kg,n=15 [1&2阶段:6+9]),中位年龄为70岁;30名r/r AML患者(1&2阶段:14+16)被分开报道。
第1阶段,12 ug/kg是第2阶段中BPDCN患者的最大检测/推荐剂量,是r/r AML患者的最大耐受量(MTD);BPDCN患者的MTD未达到。最常见的所有级别的治疗相关不不良反应(AEs)是暂时性转氨酶升高(57%)和低蛋白血症(40%)。试验中也发生了短暂性
Results from phase 2 registration trial of SL-401 in patients with blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN): Lead-in completed, expansion stage ongoing. Abstract No:7006
Background: SL-401 is a targeted therapy directed to the interleukin-3 receptor (CD123), a target overexpressed on BPDCN and other hematologic cancers. BPDCN is a rare, aggressive hematologic malignancy of unmet medical need. Results from multicenter Phase 2 completed lead-in and ongoing expansion stage are reported.
Methods: This Phase 2 trial includes a lead-in (stage 1) and expansion (stage 2). In stage 1, BPDCN and relapsed/refractory (r/r) AML pts received SL-401 as a daily IV infusion at 7, 9, 12, or 16 ug/kg for up to 5 doses repeated every 21 days. In stage 2, pts received SL-401 at the optimal stage 1 dose.
Results: As of 1/20/16, 18 BPDCN pts (9+9 in stages 1&2; including 2 pts not yet evaluable) received SL-401 (7 ug/kg, n=3 [stage 1]; 12 ug/kg, n=15 [6+9 in stages 1&2]), median 70 yrs (45-82, and 15 yr compassionate use pt); 30 r/r AML pts (14+16 in stages 1&2) to be reported separately. In stage 1, 12 ug/kg was the maximum tested/recommended stage 2 dose for BPDCN and MTD in r/r AML; MTD was not reached in BPDCN. Most common treatment-related AEs, all grades, are transient transaminase elevation (57%) and hypoalbuminemia (40%). Transient thrombocytopenia was also noted (15%). Two stage 1 pts had capillary leak syndrome (CLS): gr 5 (7 ug/kg) and gr 4 (12 ug/kg). Safety precautions were successfully implemented to minimize risk of severe CLS which has not occurred at doses up to 12 ug/kg since adoption. 87% (13/15) ORR was seen in evaluable BPDCN pts, with marked disease reductions in skin, bone marrow, lymph node, and viscera. ORR was 100% (10/10) in first-line and 60% (3/5) in r/r settings. All 8 first-line patients treated at 12 ug/kg had CR (n=5) or clinical CR (CRc) (n=3). Six of these 8 pts remain on SL-401 in remission (n=4; duration data ongoing at 3+ to 8+ cycles) or were successfully bridged to stem cell transplant (n=2; 1 CR, 1 CRc after 7, 4 cycles).
Conclusions: SL-401 demonstrated robust single-agent activity in BPDCN, including 100% ORR in first-line, and 87% in all-lines, with multiple CRs; response duration data are maturing and encouraging. This trial (NCT02113982) is designed to support registration in BPDCN and updated data will be presented.