2016-06-01 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:36次
2016年6月3-7日,一年一度的美国临床肿瘤学会(American SocietyofClinicalOncology, ASCO)年会将在芝加哥举办。本次大会将吸引30000名全世界的肿瘤领域专家学者和参会人员,会议摘要收录了多个我国学者主导的肿瘤前沿研究。
替吉奥(S-1)是口服氟尿嘧啶衍制剂,由替加氟(Tegafur, FT)、吉美嘧啶(Gimeracil, CDHP)、奥替拉西(Potassium oxonate, OXO)复合形成。其中FT是5-Fu的前体药物,也是S-1的主要抗肿瘤成分。
纳米白蛋白结合型紫杉醇(Nanoparticle Albumin-boundPaclitaxel,Nab-PTX)是传统紫杉醇在形态上的创新改良。临床常用的溶剂型紫杉醇对水的亲和力差,而脂性助溶剂会降低紫杉醇化疗效果,增加副作用。Nab-PTX可以更好的分布于肿瘤组织,药代动力学呈线性关系,抗肿瘤活性更强,副作用更小。目前Nab-PTX已经批准可用于治疗晚期乳腺癌、胰腺癌和非小细胞肺癌。2015年ASCO年会上公布了一项Nab-PTX单药二线治疗晚期胃癌的研究,在小样本基础上表现出一定的疗效且毒性耐受良好。
◆第1-14天每天口服S-1两次,根据体表面积(BSA)给予三种S-1剂量:40mg(BSA<1.25 m2)、50mg(1.25≤BSA<1.50 m2)、60mg(BSA≥1.50 m2)。
◆第1天和第8天给予Nab-PTX,200-240 mg/m2静脉注射30min。
Abstract No: 4049
PhaseII clinical trial of S-1 plus nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel asfirst-line chemotherapy for patients with metastatic gastric cancer
Session: Gastrointestinal(Noncolorectal) Cancer
Type: Poster Session
Author(s): Rui-hua Xu,Ming-mingHe,Dong-sheng Zhang,et al.
Background: Little was knownabout nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel (Nab-PTX) in gastric cancer. As the first phaseII trial, it aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of S-1 plus Nab-PTX asfirst-line treatment for patients with metastatic gastric cancer.
Methods: A total of 73gastric cancer patients with metastatic and measurable lesions (M/F 45/28,median age 53, ECOG 0-2) were enrolled in first-line setting from Sun Yat-senUniversity Cancer Center between 2011 and 2015. They were orally treated withS-1 in doses of 40 mg (BSA < 1.25 m2), 50 mg (1.25 ≤ BSA < 1.50 m2) and60 mg (BSA ≥ 1.50 m2) b.i.d. on days 1-14 in combination with Nab-PTX (200-240mg/m2, divided on days 1 and 8, intravenously during 30 minutes) of each 21-daycycle. Treatment was planned for 4-6 cycles, or until progression, unacceptabletoxicity, and discontinuation. Primary endpoint was progression-free survival(PFS) and secondary endpoints were overall response rate (ORR), overallsurvival (OS), and adverse events (AEs).
Results: Of the 73patients, 4 (5.5%) had complete responses, 35 (47.9%) had partial responses(PRs), 25 (34.2%) had stable diseases, 4 (5.5%) progressed and 5 (6.8%) werenot evaluable, with median number of cycles as 4 (range 1-6). The ORR and DCRwere 53.4% and 87.7%, accordingly. The median PFS was 8.77 months (95%confidence interval (CI) 6.88–10.66). The median OS was 14.70 months (95% CI9.57–19.83). Most AEs were mild without treatment-related death. Grade 3 to 4AEs occurred in 22 patients (30.1%) and grade 4 AE (neutropenia) occurred inonly one of them. Grade 3 AEs included leukopenia (13.7%), neutropenia (12.3%),anemia (5.5%), thrombocytopenia (1.4%), diarrhea (6.8%), vomiting (2.7%),stomatitis (1.4%), peripheral neuropathy (1.4%), and hand-foot syndrome (1.4%).After 2 to 6 cycles, 7 patients (6 lymph node, 1 liver) achieved good PRs andreceived gastrectomy plus metastasectomy. 30 (41.1%) patients had S-1monotherapy as maintenance with median number of cycles as 4 (range 1–20).
Conclusions: S-1 plus Nab-PTXis an encouraging option in first-line treatment for patients with metastaticgastric cancer, with promising efficacy, safety, and convenience. Clinicaltrial information: NCT02229058
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医脉通编译自:Rui-hua Xu ,et al. PhaseII clinical trial of S-1 plus nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxelas first-line chemotherapy for patients with metastatic gastric cancer.JClin Oncol 34,2016 (suppl; abstr 4049).