2015-06-03 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:38次
-- ASCO 专家Merry-Jennifer Markham博士
该研究的主要作者SaadZafar Usmani博士说:“daratumumab对复发难治的MM非常有效,这些患者大部分既往已经接受过5种或5种以上疗法,目前对已接受过数种不同临床治疗方案失败的MM患者没有很好的治疗方法,希望该药的出现可以弥补这个遗憾。”
MMY2002研究分2部分,是一项非盲、国际多中心研究。第一部分的1期,34例患者随机接受DARA8 mg/kg(n = 18),每4周1次,和16mg/kg (n = 16) ,每周1次,共8周,或每2周1次,共16周,然后每4周根据Simon-2期设计决定最佳有效剂量。随后,另外90例患者被纳入DARA16 mg/kg组。主要终点是独立检查(IRC)的总缓解率(ORR)。
DARA 16 mg/kg组的研究数据已经公布(n=106)。纳入患者的基本特点是:中位诊断时间4.8年,既往平均接受过5次治疗,75%的患者ISS≥ 2。其中,96%患者末次治疗后复发,95%末次用PI和IMiD治疗复发,63%用泊马度胺治疗复发,48%用卡非佐米治疗复发,78%用烷化剂治疗复发。
Phase II study of daratumumab (DARA)monotherapy in patients with ≥ 3 lines of prior therapyor double refractory multiple myeloma (MM): 54767414MMY2002 (Sirius).(Abstract No: LBA8512)
Session Type:Oral Abstract Session
Background: DARA,a human anti-CD38 IgG1κ mAb, has single agent activity and is well-tolerated inrel/ref MM (Lokhorst HM et al. ASCO 2014). This ongoing phase 2 study(NCT01985126) evaluated DARA monotherapy in the FDA breakthrough therapy designation population: MM patients with ≥3 prior lines of therapy including a proteasome inhibitor (PI) and animmunomodulatory agent (IMiD), or double refractory to a PI and IMiD.Preliminary results are reported.
Methods: MMY2002 is a 2-part, open-label, international, multicenter study. In part 1 stage 1,34 patients were randomized to DARA 8 mg/kg (n = 18) q4w or 16 mg/kg (n = 16)qw x 8 wk, q2w x 16 wk, then q4w in a Simon-2-stage design to determine the most effective dose. Subsequently, 90 additional patients were enrolled in the16 mg/kg DARA group. The primary endpoint was overall response rate (ORR) by independent review (IRC).
Results: Data forthe 16 mg/kg DARA group are presented (n = 106). Baseline characteristics: median time since diagnosis, 4.8 y; median prior treatment lines, 5; 75% ISS ≥2. Refractory to: last line of therapy, 96%; last PI and IMiD, 95%;pomalidomide, 63%: carfilzomib, 48%; alkylating agents, 78%. Adverse events(AE; ≥ 20%) were fatigue (39.6%), anemia(33.0%), nausea (29.2%), thrombocytopenia (25.5%), back pain (22.6%),neutropenia (22.6%), cough (20.8%). Infusion-related reactions (IRR, 42.5%)were mainly grade 1/2 during first infusion (grade 3 4.7%; no grade 4). No patients discontinued study due to IRRs; 5 (4.7%) discontinued treatment due toAEs. None of these AEs were assessed by the investigator to be DARA-related.ORR (IRC assessed) was 29.2%, with 3 sCR, 10 VGPR, and 18 PR with a 7.4 month median duration of response. ORR was consistent across clinically relevant subgroups. Median time to progression was 3.7 months. Median overall survival has not been reached and the estimated 1-year OS rate is 65%. After a median follow up of 9.4 months 14/31 (45.2%) of responders remain on therapy.
Conclusions: In aheavily pre-treated MM population (95% refractory to last PI and IMiD), DARA at 16 mg/kg showed meaningful durable single agent activity, with deep responses and a favorable safety profile.