2014-12-23 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:25次
医脉通整理了近年来丙型肝炎药物治疗的最新进展,将分几期陆续为大家奉上。昨天发布的《从AASLD 2014看丙型肝炎治疗进展(一)》主要介绍了抗HCV新方案--Ledipasvir/ 索非布韦(有或无利巴韦林)的研究结果,接下来重点介绍其他几种直接抗病毒药物的研究进展。
一些报道介绍了新组合——SOF联合GS-5816(一种研究性HCV NS5A蛋白抑制剂,对所有HCV基因型包括基因3型患者有皮摩尔抗病毒活性)——的安全性和有效性。这是一个重要的进步,因为难治性基因3型感染的选择是有限的;目前唯一可用的全口服疗法需要24周的治疗,含有利巴韦林。
Tran和同事[9]报道了2期研究的最终结果,该研究评估了基因型1-6感染、无肝硬化初治患者应用SOF/GS-5816有或无利巴韦林的情况。SOF/GS-5816 (100 mg)治疗8周或12周的耐受性良好,停药和不良事件的发生率低,SVR12率高。这项研究表明,SOF联合GS-5816、无RBV的联合用药是适当的治疗方案,应在3期研究进一步评估研究。
Pianko和他的同事[10]报道,应用SOF(400 mg) 联合 GS-5816 (100 mg) 不联合RBV连续治疗基因1或3型感染伴或不伴肝硬化经治患者12周达到较高的SVR12率。 SOF和GS-5816的耐受性良好,停药和不良事件的发生率较低。
Gane和他的同事[11]评估了SOF/ GS-5816方案较短期用药(8周)治疗基因型3患者是否有效。在104例初治、无肝硬化患者中,SOF/GS-5816(Gane)治疗8周,有或无利巴韦林,产生较高的SVR12率(88%-100%)。治疗的耐受性良好,没有与SOF或GS-5816相关的明确安全问题。
MK-5172 (Grazoprevir) 和 MK-8742 (Elbasvir)
Sulkowski和他的同事[13]还评估了每日一次MK-5172和MK-8742联合RBV治疗初治、无肝硬化、基因1型HCV单一感染和HIV/ HCV共感染患者的疗效、安全性和反应持久性。单一感染和共感染患者治疗12周有或无利巴韦林的SVR12率分别为95%和93%。
ABT-450/r, Ombitasvir 和 Dasabuvir
Everson和他的同事[14]报道了对4项评估3D方案有或无RBV治疗初治和peg-IFN/RBV经治基因型1a、有或无肝硬化患者SVR12率的3期临床试验的汇总数据。初治、无干扰素患者接受3D/ RBV 的SVR12率(96%)高于只接受3D方案患者的SVR12率(90%)。观察到肝硬化患者治疗12周和24周均达到了较高的SV12率。但是, 基因型1a感染的肝硬化和既往无应答患者,观察到治疗时间越长,SVR12率越高。在接受3D/ RBV的患者中,治疗时病毒学失败率和治疗12周后复发率较低,严重不良反应事件和因不良事件导致的停药发生率<3%。既往难治性无应答和/或肝硬化患者亚群中,3D/ RBV疗法达到了较高的SVR12率。基因型1a感染、既往无应答的肝硬化患者可能受益于更长的治疗持续时间。
Fried和他的同事[15]检验了全口服3D方案联合利巴韦林(3D/ RBV)治疗初治和经治HCV基因型1感染和代偿性肝硬化患者的疗效和安全性。治疗12周组和24周组的总体SVR12率分别为92%和96%。SVR12率没有显着的性别、年龄、身体质量指数或HCV RNA水平差异。血小板计数<100×109 / L患者的SVR12率为89%-97%,血清白蛋白水平<35g/L患者的SVR12率为84%-89%,表明3D/RBV方案的疗效有较宽的亚组范围,包括肝脏合成功能受损和/或门脉高压证据的患者。
联合Asunaprevir 和 BMS-791325治疗肝硬化患者
在一项3期、国际临床试验中,该方案伴或不伴RBV被用来治疗初治和经治HCV基因1型感染、代偿性肝硬化患者。[17]患者被随机分为接受固定剂量DCV (30 mg)、 ASV (200 mg)和 BMS-791325 (75 mg)联合治疗方案组,伴盲性利巴韦林或安慰剂,每日两次,共12周。该全口服治疗在肝硬化患者中达到了较高的SVR12率(87%-98%);观察到6%的患者出现病毒学失败。
SMV和SOF在1年前被美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准。考虑到在临床试验中报道的基于SMV或SOF方案的成功,Jensen和同事[18]旨在评估真实世界结果。他们采用从HCV TARGET联盟获得的数据确定患者的喜好,HCV TARGET联盟代表了广泛的学术性和社区性临床操作。
自2014年1月,共1107名患者开始抗病毒治疗。在基因1型患者中,60%的患者使用标示外SOF/ SMV,有或无RBV,28%的患者使用SOF/ Peg-IFN/RBV,11%的患者单一使用SOF/ RBV。超过95%的基因型2或3患者采用SOF/ RBV方案。SOF/ SMV有或无RBV方案也是肝硬化患者(50%)和肝移植后患者(54%)最常用的方案。观察到的SVR率,SOF/Peg-IFN/RBV为85%,SOF/ RBV为90%。68%的患者使用标示外联合用药(53%为SOF/ SMV,其SVR为89%;15%为SOF/ SMV/ RBV,其SVR为89%)。不良事件主要与peg-IFN/RBV有关。
9. Tran TT, Morgan TR, Thuluvath PJ, et al. Safety and efficacy of treatment with sofosbuvir+GS-5816±RBV for 8 or 12 weeks in treatment naïve patients with genotype 1-6 HCV infection. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 80.
10. Pianko S, Flamm SL, Shiffman ML, et al. High efficacy of treatment with sofosbuvir+GS-5816 ±RBV for 12 weeks in treatment experienced patients with genotype 1 or 3 HCV infection. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 197.
11. Gane EJ, Hyland RH, An D, et al. Once daily sofosbuvir with GS-5816 for 8 weeks with or without RBV in patients with HCV genotype 3 without cirrhosis result in high rates of SVR12: The ELECTRON2 study. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 79.
12. Lawitz E, Ganes EJ, Pearlman B, et al. Efficacy and safety of MK-5172 and MK-8742 ± RBV in hepatitis C genotype 1 infected patients with cirrhosis or previous null response: Final results of the C-WORTHY Study (Parts A and B). Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 196.
13. Sulkowski MS, Hezode C, Gerstoff J, et al. Efficacy and safety of MK-5172 + MK-8742 ± RBV in HCV mono-infected and HIV/HCV co-infected treatment-naïve, non-cirrhotic patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection: The C-WORTHY study (Final results, Parts A and B). Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 236.
14. Everson GT, Dusheiko G, Coakley E, et al. Integrated efficacy analysis of four phase 3 studies in HCV genotype 1a-infected patients treated with ABT-450/r/ombitasvir and dasabuvir with or without RBV. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 83.
15. Fried M, Forns X, Reau N, et al. TURQUOISE-II: Regimens of ABT-450/r/ombitasvir and dasabuvir with RBV achieve high SVR12 rates in HCV genotype 1-infected patients with cirrhosis, regardless of baseline characteristics. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 81.
16. Nelson DR, Cooper JN, Lalezari JP, et al. All-oral 12-week combination treatment with daclatasvir (DCV) and sofosbuvir (SOF) in patients infected with HCV genotype (GT) 3: ALLY-3 phase 3 study. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract LB-3.
17. Muir A, Poordad F, Lalezari JP, et al. All-oral fixed-dose combination therapy with daclatasvir/asunaprevir/BMS-791325, RBV, for patients with-chronic HCV genotype 1 infection and compensated cirrhosis: UNITY-2 Phase 3 SVR12 results. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract LB-2.
18. Jensen DM, O'Leary JG, Pockros PJ, et al. Safety and efficacy of sofosbuvir-containing regimens for hepatitis C: real-world experience in a diverse, longitudinal observational cohort. Program and abstracts of the 65th annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD); November 7-11, 2014; Boston, Massachusetts. Abstract 45.
编译自:A Future Without Hepatitis C?Medscape,Dec 16,2014.