2014-03-14 00:00:00来源:医脉通阅读:27次
新西兰肝移植协会副会长、奥克兰大学Ed Gane教授于昨日就丙肝复发所致肝移植的相关问题指出澳大利亚和新西兰地区近十年内因乙肝所致肝移植的需求量基本保持稳定,而丙肝患者肝移植的需求量却呈上升趋势。
Ed Gane教授
有三种新型药物可明显改善治疗反应性。其中NS3A蛋白酶抑制剂、boceprevir和telaprevir得到广泛认可。在欧洲,一项由Coilly A等人开展的关于boceprevir的小规模多中心研究结果显示受试者的持续病毒学应答(SVR)为71% (n=7),尽管疗效如此显著,但由于其可引起肾功能不全、耐受性下降以及给药方案复杂、仅对基因1型HCV有效而限制了其使用。
原文阅读》》》The Changing Landscape of Transplantation for HCV
While the need for transplantation due to
The majority of Dr. Gane’s talk focused on treatment. He showed data from several studies that pointed to the ineffectiveness of IFN/RBV combination in many of these “born to lose” patients. The combination of previous non-response, immunosuppression, and poor tolerability make successful treatment unlikely.
The three new classes of drugs have drastically improved response. Among the NS3A protease inhibitors, boceprevir and telaprevir are the most promising. While the numbers were small, a multicentre European study on transplant patients by Coilly A et al. demonstrated an SVR of 71% (n=7) with boceprevir. Yet even with these rates, there is a risk of renal dysfunction, and the poor tolerability, complex dosing regimen, and ineffectiveness in genotypes other than genotype 1 HCV will limit their efficacy.
The polymerase complex inhibitor sofosbuvir shows greater promise. Prof. Gane presented data, from an on-going study by his group, showing that 73% of patients with compensated recurrent HCV have achieved SVR. In decompensated patients, sofosbuvir offers tangible hope of recovery. In a compassionate access program, 64% responded well to the treatment, with “rapid resolution of jaundice, ascites, coagulopathy, and encephalopathy.” 60% maintained an SVR at week 12 on SOF/RBV combination therapy.
Prof. Gane continued, bringing to light studies showing the even greater effectiveness of combining DAAs in non-transplant patient; how pre-transplant treatment with SOF/RBV has also been shown to prevent recurrence in 2/3 patients; and now therapy can even rescue patients from the need for a transplant.
“The theme for this year’s APASL is A New Era Begins,” concludes Prof. Gane, “nowhere is this more evident than in transplantation for HCV.”
来源:APASL 2014 daily news